What you will earn and learn!

  • Certification

    Earn the Social Entrepreneur Mindset and Skillset Certification upon successful completion!

  • Business Keywords

    Learn the business "code" and begin to develop your business skills by learning how to communicate your ideas more effectively.

  • Idea to Reality

    Learn what it will take to develop your business concept from an idea to a viable business that makes a social impact.

Run of programs

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Welcome to SE 101 - Lets Get Started!

    • SE 101 Welcome from Prof Caz!

    • How to Use this Course

    • SE 101 Hints and Tips

    • SE 101 Learning Objectives and Chapters

    • Chapter 1 Learning Objectives and Concepts

    • Meet Professor Caz

    • I Know a Code – Professor Caz

    • Key Mentors in the Life of Professor Caz

    • GCSEN Overview

    • Become a Meaning Maker!

    • Tiny Ripples of Hope

    • Just Imagine

    • Pretest Anxiety

    • Pretest

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Frameworks to Flywheel

    • Chapter 2 Introduction

    • Chapter 2 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Entrepreneurial Thought and Action (ETA)

    • Creaction

    • Design Thinking

    • Lean Startup

    • OODA Loop

    • Adoption of Innovation

    • Social Enterprise Growth Stages

    • Meaning Maker Flywheel Framework

    • Chapter 2 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Key Concepts Overview

    • Chapter 3 Introduction

    • Chapter 3 Learning Objectives

    • Foundational Concepts

  • 4

    Chapter 4: The Millennial Driven Economy

    • Chapter 4 Introduction

    • Chapter 4 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Foundational Concepts

    • Millennial Demographics

    • Millennial Values and Differences in the Workplace

    • Millennials are Suffering Financially

    • Millennial Views on Capitalism and Socialism

    • Millennial Anxieties Leading to Low Business Formation Rate

    • Tech Trend: Nanotechnology

    • Tech Trend: Rise of the Robots

    • Millennial Career Strategies

    • Chapter 4 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Entrepreneurship Concepts

    • Chapter 5 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Foundational Concepts

    • History of Entrepreneurship

    • Heroes of Economic Life

    • Entrepreneurship as a Career Choice

    • Entrepreneurs and Failure

    • Why Startups Fail (continued)

    • Fear & Mental Toughness

    • Startups Are Hard

    • Entrepreneur Mindset

    • Small Business vs High Growth Startup

    • Be

    • Grit

    • Perseverance and Mastery

    • Chapter 5 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Social Entrepreneurship Concepts

    • Chapter 6 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Foundational Concepts

    • Early History of Social Entrepreneurship

    • Modern Predecessor of Social Entrepreneurship

    • Father of Social Entrepreneurship

    • Greg Dees Story

    • NFTE Case Study

    • Social Entrepreneurship Growth and Definition

    • Social Entrepreneur Story: Sun Culture

    • Sun Culture

    • Differentiation vs Social Engagement

    • Entrepreneurship Spectrum

    • Entrepreneur vs Social Entrepreneur

    • Social Entrepreneurship Is Hard!

    • Social Entrepreneur Mindset

    • Moment of Obligation

    • Local Economies

    • Social Enterprise Growth Stages

    • Chapter 6 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Innovation Concepts

    • Chapter 7 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Foundational Concepts

    • What Is Innovation?

    • Evolution of Innovation

    • Innovation Sandbox

    • Innovation Competencies

    • Innovation Competency: Association

    • Innovation Competency: Curiosity

    • Innovation Competency: Experimentation

    • Innovation Competency: Sense-making

    • Innovation Competency: Collaboration

    • Hiking the Trail

    • Chapter 7 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Social Innovation Concepts

    • Chapter 8 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Foundational Concepts

    • Social Innovation Opportunity

    • Social Innovation

    • Differentiating Social Innovation vs Innovation

    • Transformative Scale

    • Chapter 8 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 8 Quiz

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Discover Your Uniqueness

    • Chapter 9 Introduction

    • Chapter 9 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Discover your "-ness"

    • Natural Roles

    • Personal Career Management

    • Your Social Enterprise Uniqueness

    • Chapter 9 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 9 Quiz

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Social Problemology

    • Chapter 10 Introduction

    • Chapter 10 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • What Is Social Problemology?

    • Problem Ideation: Key Concepts

    • Fall in love with the Problem

    • Problem Ideation: Tame and Wicked Problems

    • Problem Ideation: Nearby Problems

    • Inspirational Dissatisfaction

    • Explore Nearby Problems in Your Local Community

    • Problem Ideation: Local Problems

    • A STAR Chart

    • Explore Nearby Opportunities

    • Problem Selection

    • Problem Analysis

    • No Instant Gratification

    • Problem Statement

    • Chapter 10 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 10 Quiz

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Hedgehog Concept

    • Chapter 11 Introduction

    • Chapter 11 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • The Fox and the Hedgehog

    • The Hedgehog Concept by Jim Collins

    • The Hedgehog Concept Model

    • Identifying Your Niche

    • A Key Niche Nugget

    • The Flywheel Effect

    • Chapter 11 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 11 Quiz

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Golden Circle

    • Chapter 12 Introduction

    • Chapter 12 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Start with Why

    • Golden Circle Overview

    • Guy Kawasaki – Make Meaning Framework

    • Making Meaning

    • Your "-ness"

    • Why Are You Here?

    • The Soul of Your Business

    • Chapter 12 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 12 Quiz

  • 13

    Chapter 13: Social Solution

    • Chapter 13 Introduction

    • Chapter 13 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Golden Circle – What

    • Solution Ideation

    • 4P Impact Solution Ideation

    • Solution Selection

    • Solution Design: Process

    • Solution Design: User Requirements

    • Solution Design: System Requirements

    • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

    • MVP Is an Experiment

    • Designing Your MVP

    • Solution Roadmap

    • Prototype Development

    • Rapid Prototyping

    • Prototypes of Well-Known Products

    • Chapter 13 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 13 Quiz

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Strategy

    • Chapter 14 Introduction

    • Chapter 14 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Golden Circle – How

    • Evolution of Strategy

    • Evolving Strategy Thinking

    • Blue Ocean Strategy

    • Business Strategy Overview

    • High-Level Business Strategy

    • Developing Your Business Strategy

    • Strategy: Develop Your Theory of Change

    • Integrating Several Business Strategy Approaches

    • Functional Strategies

    • Chapter 14 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 14 Quiz

  • 15

    Chapter 15: Marketing

    • Chapter 15 Introduction

    • Chapter 15 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Marketing Overview

    • Marketing Framework

    • Marketing Framework: Mike's Chart

    • Market Segmentation

    • Customers

    • Product/Market Fit

    • Target Market Selection

    • Competitors

    • Positioning

    • Chapter 15 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 15 Quiz

  • 16

    Chapter 16: Sales

    • Chapter 16 Introduction

    • Chapter 16 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Sales Overview

    • Sales Process: Meet Bart Breighner

    • Seven Steps to Successful Selling

    • Sales Pipeline

    • Face to Face Selling

    • PAM4 Negotiation

    • Bart Quote – Always Make It

    • Chapter 16 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 16 Quiz

  • 17

    Chapter 17: Finance

    • Chapter 17 Introduction

    • Chapter 17 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Make Money

    • Business Models

    • Hedgehog Concept: Economic Engine

    • Economics of One-Unit (EOU)

    • Self-Financed Growth

    • Free Cash Flow

    • Unsustainable Sustainability Business

    • Creating Free Cash Flow

    • Out of Cash

    • Monthly "Burn Rate"

    • Managing Positive Cash Flow

    • High Level Pro Forma Income Statements

    • Keep Financials Simple

    • Cash Flow Statement

    • Basic Financing Options

    • Small Business Financing

    • Founder, Friends, and Family Funding

    • Risk

    • Angel Funding

    • Venture Capital (VC) Financing

    • Impact Investors

    • Chapter 17 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 17 Quiz

  • 18

    Chapter 18: Team

    • Chapter 18 Introduction

    • Chapter 18 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Building a Winning Team

    • Three Common Profiles

    • Founder's Team

    • Extended Team

    • Stages of Team Formation

    • Leadership

    • Chapter 18 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 18 Quiz

  • 19

    Chapter 19: Planning

    • Chapter 19 Introduction

    • Chapter 19 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • Planning Overview

    • Strategic and Operational Planning

    • Business Plans

    • Clarity of the Business Plan

    • Go Forward Plan

    • The 4 Disciplines of Execution

    • Chapter 19 Golden Nuggets

    • Chapter 19 Quiz

  • 20

    Chapter 20: SE 101 Wrap-Up and SE 102 Preview

    • Chapter 20 Learning Objectives and Topics

    • SE 102 Social Venture Formulation Toolkit Introduction

    • SE 102 Toolkit Chapters

    • Post-Test

    • Parting Quotes

    • Congratulations!

Start your social entrepreneur journey!

Learn the fundamentals with the SE101 course and receive your Social Entrepreneur Mindset and Skillset Certification