Icons & text

  • Learning on the go

    Applied learning across many disciplines: strategy, marketing, financial, business planning, building a team...

  • Build Strength

    Work on your own business designed around your talents, passion, values and purpose

  • Build Your Skills

    After your Social Venture Internship you will have learned valuable skills that can be implemented on your social venture or within a company as an intra-preneur

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Lets Get Started: Welcome to the Social Venture Internship Toolkit

    • Start To Be Great!

    • How to use this course (you may skip this if you have completed SE 101)

    • Welcome to the Social Venture Internship Toolkit

    • SVI Toolkit: Learning Objectives

    • SVI Toolkit Sections

    • Toolkit Description

    • Toolkit Design Point

    • Review Google Drive Folder Contents

    • Pitch Deck Template Review

    • Toolkit Review

    • Let's Go!

  • 2

    Slide 1 - Title / Introduction

    • Overview

    • Tool: Title Slide Design

  • 3

    Slide 2 - The Ask

    • Overview

    • Tool: The Ask Slide Design

    • One More Slide

  • 4

    Slide 3 - Founder's Story / Your WHY

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Start with Why

    • Tool: Beliefs

    • Flashback: Golden Circle

    • Tool: Golden Circle: Why

    • Flashback: Kawasaki Make Meaning Framework

    • Tool: Make Meaning Framework

    • Tool: Founder's Story

    • Tool: Founder's Story / Your WHY Slide Design

    • Well Done!

  • 5

    Slide 4 - Social Problem / Opportunity

    • Flashback: Start With The Problem Not The Solution

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Natural Roles

    • Tool: Natural Roles

    • Flashback: Sources of Nearby Problems

    • Flashback: STAR Chart

    • Tool: Problem Ideation: Brainstorming

    • Flashback: The Hedgehog Concept Model

    • Tool: Problem Ideation: Hedgehog Concept: Passion

    • Tool: Problem Selection: Hedgehog Concept: Best in the World

    • Flashback: Tame and Wicked Problems

    • Flashback: Far Away Problems

    • Tool: Problem Selection: Narrow, Rank and Select

    • Tool: Problem Analysis: Narrowing the Scope of the Problem

    • Tool: Problem Analysis: Preliminary 4P Impact

    • Tool: Problem Statement

    • Tool: Social Problem / Opportunity Slide Design

    • Congrats!

  • 6

    Slide 5 - Social Solution / Prototype

    • Section Overview

    • Flashback: One Problem - One Solution

    • Flashback: Golden Circle and Solution Stages

    • Tool: Solution Ideation

    • Flashback: What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

    • Flashback: Solution Selection: MVP Candidates

    • Tool: Solution Selection: MVP Candidates

    • Flashback: Solution Design Process

    • Tool: Solution Design: MVP Solution Scope

    • Flashback: Use Cases

    • Tool: Solution Design: Brainstorm MVP Use Cases

    • Flashback: Designing MVP Features

    • Tool: Solution Design: Design MVP Features

    • Flashback: Designing your MVP

    • Tool: Solution Selection: MVP Use Case Selection

    • Flashback: Solution Roadmap

    • Tool: Solution Design: Solution Roadmap

    • Flashback: Solution Requirements

    • Tool: Solution Design: Solution Requirements

    • Flashback: Prototype and MVP Solution Releases

    • Tool: Solution Design: Prototype Plan & Build

    • Tool: Social Solution / Prototype Slide Design

    • Making Progress!

  • 7

    Slide 6 - Value Proposition (Core Benefits)

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Identifying Benefits

    • Tool: Core Benefits

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 6

    • Value Proposition -- a Lighter Lift!

  • 8

    Slide 7 - Value Proposition (4P Impact / Theory of Change)

    • Overview

    • Flashback: 4P Impact

    • Tool: 4P Impact

    • Flashback: Theory of Change

    • Tool: Theory of Change

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 7

    • You are a Meaning Maker!

  • 9

    Slide 8 - Business Model

    • Overview

    • Tool: Type of Company

    • Flashback: Business Models

    • Tool: Business Model

    • Flashback: Hedgehog Concept Resource Engine

    • Tool: Hedgehog Concept: Resource Engine

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 8

    • Make Meaning. Make Make Money.

  • 10

    Slide 9 - Target Market / Market Size

    • Flashback: Thirsty Customers

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Market Segmentation

    • Flashback: Why niche?

    • Tool: Market Segmentation

    • Flashback: Target Markets

    • Tool: Market Size

    • Flashback: Getting to know your customers

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 9

    • Thirsty Customers

  • 11

    Slide 10 - Marketing & Sales

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Start with the WHY

    • Tool: Marketing Plan

    • Flashback: The Essence of Sales

    • Flashback: The Sales Process

    • Tool: Sales Process

    • Flashback: Preparing for a Sales Meeting

    • Tool: PAM4

    • Face to Face Selling

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 10

    • Ready to Sell? Not Quite Yet.

  • 12

    Slide 11 - Underlying Magic

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Underlying Magic

    • Tool: Underlying Magic

    • Flashback: Hedgehog Concept

    • Tool: Hedgehog Concept

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 11

    • Your Secret Sauce

  • 13

    Slide 12 - Competitive Positioning

    • Flashback: Competitive Strategy

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Direct and Indirect Competitors

    • Tool: Competitor Scan

    • Flashback: Positioning Models

    • Tool: Competitive Landscape

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 12

    • Moving Forward?

  • 14

    Slide 13 - Team

    • Flashback: Predictor of Success

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Get the Right People on the Bus!

    • Flashback: Get the Wrong People Off the Bus!

    • Flashback: Ideal Founder Team Profile

    • Flashback: Ideal Extended Team Profile

    • Flashback: Stages of Team Formation

    • Tool: Building your Team

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 13

    • T.E.A.M.

  • 15

    Slide 14 - Current Status

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Planning

    • Tool: Current Accomplishments

    • Flashback: Go Forward Plan

    • Tool: Go Forward Plan

    • Flashback: Solution Roadmap Template

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 14

    • Challenges Ahead

  • 16

    Slide 15 - The Ask / Use of Funds

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Funding

    • Tool: Funding Round

    • Tool: The Ask / Use of Funds

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 15

    • Back to Slide 2

  • 17

    Slide 16 - Growth / Exit Strategy

    • Overview

    • Tool: Exit Strategy

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype: Slide 16

    • Congratulations!

  • 18

    Slide 17 - Financial Projections

    • Flashback: Make Money

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Finance can be Fun!

    • Flashback: Economics of One Unit (EOU)

    • Tool: Economics of One Unit (EOU)

    • Flashback: Managing Personal Monthly Cash Flow

    • Tool: Personal Monthly Budget

    • Flashback: Keep it Simple. Keep it Real. Keep it Real Simple.

    • Flashback: Pro Forma Profit & Loss Statement

    • Tool: Pro Forma P&L: Revenue Projections

    • Tool: Pro Forma P&L: Expense Projections

    • Flashback: Out Of Cash (OOC)

    • Tool: Burn Rate

    • Tool: Meaning Makers Pitch & Prototype - Slide 17

    • A Feeling of Accomplishment!

  • 19

    Presentation Skills

    • Overview

    • Flashback: Clarity of the Business Plan

    • Clear Thinking

    • E-Words for an Excellent Presenter

    • The 3S's of Successful Presentations

    • Presentation Skills Self-Assessment

    • Know Your Audience

    • Structure: Rule of Three

    • Structure: Introduction and Conclusion

    • Substance: Examples

    • Substance: Facts & Figures

    • Style: The Power of the Pause

    • Style: Show and Open Face

    • Investor Pitch Hints & Tips


    • Tool: Enhance your Pitch!

    • Next Step is Next Steps!

  • 20

    Next Steps

    • Overview

    • Tool: Meaning Maker Minute

    • Tool: 10 Minute Pitch Video

    • Tool: Upload your Videos

    • Next Steps: Feedback and Re-Submit

    • Course Feedback

    • Parting Quotes

    • Congratulations!!!

  • 21

    Startup Ecosystems

    • Startup Ecosystems: Introduction, Learning Objectives, and Topics

    • Startup Ecosystems Overview

    • Startup Ecosystem Examples

    • Discover and Engage Your Startup Ecosystems

    • Summary and Golden Nuggets

    • Section Quiz

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

Become a Social Venture Intern

Create your own business internship and take advantage of the coaches and mentors that can help you launch your social venture!