Join the Social Venture Experience

Make Meaning. Make Money. Move the world to a better place.

Take your business to the next level or start one! You don’t have to go it alone... Impact more people lives, Make more Profit, Better Steward the Environment and be a builder of your local economy. GCSEN provides you with the know-how, know who and know what to do. GCSEN will inspire you, teach you and support you. Invest in your self now! Start today!

Benefits of the SVE

  • Meaning

    Work on your own social venture designed around your talents, passion, values, and purpose

  • Knowledge

    Applied-learning across many disciplines: strategy, marketing, financial, planning...

  • Community

    Participate in our Together Helping Each Other Succeed (THEOS) collaboration community

  • Coaching

    SVE includes (2) hours of Career Coaching and (3) hours of Social Venture Acceleration

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle. You also receive up to 5 hours of one on one coaching!

Learn how to create a 4P Impact social venture!

  • Start with the 'WHY'
  • 4P Impact: People, Planet, Place, Profit
  • Social entrepreneurship concepts
  • Social innovation concepts
  • Develop your business strategy
  • Market your social venture
  • Sales process and negotiations
  • Finance and cash flow management
  • Building a team
  • Identifying your startup ecosystem
  • Step driven process to develop a social venture
  • Friends & Family Pre-Seed Round
  • investor pitch deck and business plan